
Gavin turned 18 months

Christmas 2010
Boston Common - 14 months
12 months, first taste of ice cream at Kimball Farms

SOOOO BIG - 9 months

Easter 2010 - 7 months

I'm SO glad God blessed us with our precious boy. I think back to when I was pregnant and thought I wanted a third girl. It just "made sense" right? I had everything I needed...pink, pink, and more pink...in every season :) I am so thankful God decided to bless us with a boy. My friends always told me about this "special bond" you have with sons. I didn't get it at all, until I had Gavin. I just told Chris on Valentines Day "you better put him to bed because he totally has my heart!" :) He gives me kisses all throughout the day and is such a snuggle bug.
I know I'll miss those baby stages, but I LOVE this toddler age. It's so fun! He's saying new words every day. It's so fun to show off what new things he's learned when I pick the girls up from school and Chris gets home from work. Gavin is especially fond of Allie, his second mommy, and demands a kiss from her when she gets in the van after school. He never misses a day and she melts when he asks for one. Gavin and Syd are more like playmates. They love to wrestle and play wild together. I'm a little scared of what they are going to get into this summer when I turn them loose outside :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erin, What a great site! You left out that you are also a wonderful niece! :-)
