
Gavin turned 18 months

Christmas 2010
Boston Common - 14 months
12 months, first taste of ice cream at Kimball Farms

SOOOO BIG - 9 months

Easter 2010 - 7 months

I'm SO glad God blessed us with our precious boy. I think back to when I was pregnant and thought I wanted a third girl. It just "made sense" right? I had everything I needed...pink, pink, and more pink...in every season :) I am so thankful God decided to bless us with a boy. My friends always told me about this "special bond" you have with sons. I didn't get it at all, until I had Gavin. I just told Chris on Valentines Day "you better put him to bed because he totally has my heart!" :) He gives me kisses all throughout the day and is such a snuggle bug.
I know I'll miss those baby stages, but I LOVE this toddler age. It's so fun! He's saying new words every day. It's so fun to show off what new things he's learned when I pick the girls up from school and Chris gets home from work. Gavin is especially fond of Allie, his second mommy, and demands a kiss from her when she gets in the van after school. He never misses a day and she melts when he asks for one. Gavin and Syd are more like playmates. They love to wrestle and play wild together. I'm a little scared of what they are going to get into this summer when I turn them loose outside :)



The girls are so excited about my new blog. Allie was showing Syd my first post and of course her first words were "Where are me with my friends? I don't see me and Noelle."  So this one's for Syd :)

We met Noelle's family, the McWhirter's, at church and Noelle ended up being in Sydney's K4 class at school this year. They crack me up because Noelle is the exact opposite of Syd... shy, quiet, calm and laid back, but somehow they click. And Sydney ADORES her :)


Allie's 7th Birthday

We are usually in Indiana on Allie's birthday and have a family party for her so she loved my idea of taking her and a friend out for the day of spoiling before we left. This is her friend Olivia we met through homeschooling. They are so cute together. We went to paint pottery and then ate lunch and cupcakes in the mall. We also went roller skating. Such a fun "girls day out".

Allie is into purple now, EVERYTHING purple, so she decided to have a purple party. It was so fun because we did the traditional party of pin-the-tail on the donkey, a pinata, and purple frosting cupcakes of course. We have tons of little girls in our families so the birthday table consisted of 8 girls under the age of 10. There is nothing sweeter to hear than a table full of giggly girls :)

Waiting their turn to bust the pinata!