
MiMi & PopPop's visit

We were so excited to have Chris' parents visit last week! Jeanne made it to Sydney's family picnic/preschool graduation. As you can see Syd was very excited to have her MiMi with her! (look at her hands, precious!) ;) 

They played games and sang songs for us. I can't believe she'll be in Kindergarten in the fall! She has grown up so much this year.

 "our God is so BIG, So Strong, and so Mighty"
PopPop flew in so we could all be together for a long weekend. We decided to hit Boston again. MiMi, mommy, and the kids hung out at the Children's Museum all day. So fun! 
 Experiments :)

 The room of balls was one of G's favorites :) 
Syd is about to launch one in this picture.

 Syd and MiMi building a house in the "Construction Zone" room

 "How tall am I?"

Wondering where the guys were?...They caught the T and
headed over to Fenway for a tour! Here they are sitting on top of the "Green Monstah". "Green Monster" for all of you non-New Englanders. :) If you have no clue what this is (like me), go ask your husbands. ;)

As Jeanne says "this is what Chris will look like in 28 years"....see a resemblance? John always says the grandkids look like him and even digs up pictures of him as a child. I think it's so cute! He's probably right b/c we hear that the kids look like Chris a lot! :)

We realize it takes a lot of money, vacation time, energy, etc for family to visit us and we feel so very blessed when they make those sacrifices for us! We got a visit from BOTH sets of grandparents this Spring and couldn't ask for anything more!!! I love knowing the kids will have such great memories of these special moments shared with their grandparents ;)